Welcome back! I know I put off making this post for a while, but that was because I assumed I had taken photos of all of my beads already, and could therefore make this post whenever I wanted. Wrong! I took exactly one picture of my beads! I wish I hadn’t done that!

Nonetheless, here are my fun accent beads for this month’s design. The other beads that I didn’t grab pictures of are a collection of flat disc beads and two (larger than intended) segmented beads. Carving out the little “v” patterns on the center two beads was SO tedious. If you ever find yourself carving little designs into clay, I really recommend using both a scraper tool and some slim smoothing tool with a silicone end to blend out the rough edges. Shaping the beads themselves was the easy part, and I started with a standard sphere and worked from there for both shapes. I think you can figure out how to get the squash-esque shape, but for the biconal beads I rolled the sphere between two fingers on each hand. The gap between your fingers will create that lovely ridge around the middle, just be careful you don’t smush the ridge when you put the bead down!!
I’ve ordered a special black glaze that I hope will come in this week. I’ll be back with more updates when the glazing process is complete, see ya!